Thursday, September 2, 2010

On Dreams

Came across this piece I wrote sometime ago. Thought I should share...

On Dreams

Dreams are for those who sleep, its easy work to Create things in your
head. Its lazy, a thing full of excuse. You don't, in the end have to
achieve them because they were never really real in the first place.
Now reality that's where I shine. Not because I can force it or bend
it to my will. No! Reality bows to only those that can make it into
what it has always aspired to be...A Dream. I...we, have something to
offer reality. It wants, and needs our help. And, if we continue to
stumble about in our heads, never wanting, never needing to go beyond
our narrow visions, our flat earths, our earth centered cosmic
systems, our sea monsters, our myths, our soothsayers and nay-sayers,
we have failed reality and ourselves. The challenge is this: dispense
of our fears, that which is the greatest human addiction of them all,
and reach further than our minds tell us we can, outside of the realms
it has imprisoned us in.

Reality isn't so bad, once you get to know it. Reality Is Mine To
Dream, and My Dreams Are Indeed A Reality.


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