Monday, August 9, 2010

The Alchemist: An Introduction

I've set out on an interesting and new adventure. I've turned up a very settled life in Washington, DC to move across the Atlantic and pursue continuing my education at the prestigious London School of Economics and Political Science. Effectively, I've given up a good job and an okay apartment both located in the middle of a great city-- where I've built countless relationships and a well-crafted, sometimes lucrative reputation-- to embark on this unknown journey.

A few months ago , I picked up a book that has been in my possession for some years: Paulo Coeloh's "The Alchemist". The book details the travels of a Spanish shepherd boy lured by a reoccurring dream into a journey across desert and wilderness to Egypt in search of treasure. Along the way he meets a number of spiritual guides, none so important as the alchemist he meets at the final leg of his journey who teaches him to see beauty and wisdom all around him in the everyday workings of the world. The book, though short in length, is heavy in lessons. In the end, for the young Spaniard the treasure becomes less important than what he's learned on his journey: listening to his heart, reading the omens along life's path and above all following one's dreams.

Now that I'm on my own journey toward the treasure of a dream, I want to document the beauty that I come across travels, the books I read, the things I see, the people I come across. I've always said that my greatest addiction is to beauty, this blog is a dedication to that. I expect that this blog will be photo heavy but really it is a collection of experiences and perspectives, the things I find beautiful. The blog won't be edit heavy, you may find mistakes, as in the past I post to share, not impress. My hope is that as other blogs I've written in the past, this can chronicle my newest adventure.

Joey Bahamas


  1. "The Alchemist" was a great read. I read it in high school and learned a lot. I need to re-read; I'm sure I'll learn even more this go around. Welcome back.

  2. My Sweetest love Joey,

    You can't imagine how proud I am of you! Watching, hearing, and listening to you about your journey let's me know that we as a race are not invain.

    This book that you speak of has been in my possesion for years. I have read it over and over again because of the journey it takes me on. I was thrilled when you coined your journey "THE ALCHEMIST" wonderful.

    I have no doubt, that you will go on to do great things. With leaps and bounds you will succeed.


    LADY D aka Darleata

  3. I'm so happy for this journey you've embarked on Joey! I speak for a lot of people when I say you serve as an inspiration to all the #Kids. I'm excited to stay abreast of all the things you're going to share with us and I cant wait to see you again.

    With lots of love and even more #Glitter (AOW!),

